Wechat verification same region
Wechat verification same region

wechat verification same region

Individual users can see up to one Moment ad every 48 hours. You can choose to either retarget or exclude users who: are currently following your official account collected a WeChat coupon from ads within the past year showed interest in your previous ads during the past year and remove users who are not interested in your content. PhD, master, bachelor, high school, primary school Single, married, newly married, or raising a kid

#Wechat verification same region professional

The 18 core categories include education, travel, finance, cars, real estate, furniture, fashion, F&B, personal services, professional services, cosmetics, home electronics, sports, health, child education, bags, watches, shoes, jewelry, politics and law, luxury goods, drinks, Internet, entertainment. However in 2021, due to changes in data protection law and regulations, the WeChat Overseas Advertising capacity for overseas residents and tourists has been paused.Īs WeChat’s advertising capacity is constantly changing, in case of doubt please reach out to for the most updated version.Ĭompanies can choose to advertise to 18 industries and 122 sub-categories. Since April 2017, Tencent starts to offer WeChat Overseas Advertising to target Chinese users traveling overseas, which is attractive for foreign brands looking for Travel Retail. You can target Chinese residents by province, city, or any area of 0.5 – 5km within a customized location. You can target users according to their location, interest, age, gender, device and phone network. Up to 6 pictures or 6-15 seconds short videos.Link to a html5 webpage that’s hosted on Tencent’s server.Moment ads can have the following component: What Tencent Moment ads bring is a much more sophisticated way to reach the user timeline by directly buying access from WeChat. Advertising through such a network enabled to reach over 300,000 WeChat users. The price of posting on individual’s moments ranged from 10 RMB to 400 RMB per post. In Shanghai and Beijing, they leveraged 600 individual accounts, each with at least 500 friends. They usually used forwarded messages via a network of personal accounts (a practice forbidden by Tencent terms of use).įor example, a WeChat advertising company created a scheme for advertising on personal WeChat Moments. WeChat moment ads were launched in early 2015, when 25 brands including Coco-Cola and Mercedes-Benz took part in the first testing campaign.Įven before this official launch, the WeChat “timeline” had been a target for advertising companies who relentlessly tried to find ways to access user’s Moment. Foreign companies willing to invest $1,500 – $8,000 USD (updated on April 2017)Ĭhinese companies can follow the following link to apply: įor foreign companies the process goes through a dedicated Tencent team, you can reach out for questions As of the writing of the blog, Tencent does not permit advertising from the real estate, drugs, tobacco or electronic cigarettes, and financial industry.Companies registered in Mainland China (either local companies or Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprises – WFOE) willing to invest at least 50k RMB ( ~8,000 USD) per campaign (reservation method), or starting from 50 RMB (~8 USD) per day (bidding method).WeChat advertising on moments is restricted to two major cases: They are the equivalent of Facebook ads appearing on the timeline.

wechat verification same region

The first and most familiar method of WeChat advertising for Western marketers is to promote on WeChat moments.

  • WeChat Key Opinion Leader advertising – learn more by clicking here.įor all types of WeChat ads applications, you can reach out via or by filling this form.
  • WeChat banner adverting – learn more by clicking here.
  • WeChat Moments Advertising – learn more by clicking here.
  • There are 3 major types of WeChat advertising:

    wechat verification same region

    WeChat ads enable brands to grow WeChat Official Account followers, drive traffic to the official website or mini-program, and generate App downloads. WeChat advertising is the Tencent program enabling companies to display promotional messages on user’s timeline, in WeChat Official Account articles, or even in 3rd party Mini-programs. Here are the ways you can get started with WeChat ads.

    Wechat verification same region